HandyCafe is the most poppullar cyber cafe / internet cafe management software in the world. HandyCafe is developped by Ates Software Ltd and being used in more than 45.000 internet cafe's ( over 180 countries ). http://search.handycafe.com is the homepage of all browsers using HandyCafe, displaying your advertisements to over 3 million unique visitors per day!
HandyCafe is a FREE Software. Anyone can start using HandyCafe only in seconds. HandyCafe is strong, easy to understand / operate and user friendly. HandyCafe Network has over 50 million ad impression per day. This is equal to 1.5 billion impressions each month. Our Client software is installed in more than 1.350.000 PCs
Below you can find how HandyCafe shows your ADS:
HandyCafe does have millions of AD previews each day. All internet cafe's who use HandyCafe will show your ads to their customers. Your ads will be embedded in HandyCafe Software safely.
Our visitors are from different countries of the world. According to our surveys we wish to share some of our visitor data with you:
Our click rates changes according to our visitors' interests. We have average ~350.000 clicks per day. We are partnered with Google AdSense to show our ADS on http://search.handycafe.com.
Thank you,
Ates Software Ltd.